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Key figures

Here you will find selected key figures for the DZ BANK Group plus a comparison of key figures for the past 5 years. You can download other tables, e.g. key figures, in Excel format in the download center.

Fee, commission, and bonus payments to cooperative banks

2877 € m
- 0.2 %
Year-on-year comparison

Fee, commission, and bonus payments to cooperative banks

2,882 € m
Current year

Cost/income ratio

56.4 %
- 7.1 percentage points
Year-on-year comparison

Cost/income ratio

63.5 %
Current year

Average number of employees during the year

+ 1.9 %
Year-on-year comparison

Average number of employees during the year

Current year

Comparison of key figures

Year-on-year comparison

€ million (Note) 2023 2022
Net interest income (34) 4,333 3,322
Interest income 13,733 5,919
Interest income calculated using the effective interest method 13,485 5,819
Interest income not calculated using the effective interest method 248 101
Current income and expense 101 55
Interest expense -9,501 -2,652
Net fee and commission income (35) 2,807 2,749
Fee and commission income 5,174 5,262
Fee and commission expenses -2,368 -2,513
Gains and losses on trading activities (36) -175 823
Gains and losses on investments (37) -72 -119
Other gains and losses on valuation of financial instruments (38) 298 -286
Gains and losses from the derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost (39) 11 35
Insurance service result 1,994 2,077
Insurance revenue (89) 12,317 12,424
Insurance service expenses (91) -10,245 -10,225
Net income/expenses from reinsurance contracts held (91) -78 -123
Gains and losses on investments held by insurance companies and other insurance company gains and losses (40) 2,998 -3,759
of which interest income calculated using the effective interest method 1,664 1,478
Insurance benefit payments (41) -4,107 1,951
Gains and losses from the derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost in the insurance business (42) 6 8
Loss allowances (43) -362 -304
Administrative expenses (44) -4,597 -4,447
Other net operating income (45) 56 204
Profit before taxes 3,189 2,252
Income taxes (46) -955 -912
Net profit 2,234 1,341
Attributable to:
Shareholders of DZ BANK 2,130 1,269
Non-controlling interests 103 72