The group management report provides an overview of the DZ BANK Group’s current and future situation. DZ BANK Group fundamentals In this section, you can find out about our business model, strategy, and management units, as well as the approach, key performance indicators, and processes used to manage the DZ BANK Group. Business report In the business report, we describe the economic conditions during the financial year and the DZ BANK Group’s financial position and financial performance. Events after the balance sheet date This section sets out any events of particular importance that occurred after the end of the financial year. Human resources report and sustainability The non-financial reports of the DZ BANK Group and of DZ BANK AG are integrated into the 2023 Sustainability Report. Outlook In this section, we provide our predictions for economic conditions, our financial performance, liquidity and capital adequacy, and the performance of the operating segments for the year as a whole. Opportunity report The opportunity report contains details on opportunity management and potential opportunities in the DZ BANK Group and at DZ BANK. Risk report The risk report provides information on the risk management system of the DZ BANK Group and DZ BANK. It also sets out the risk factors and the measured risks. Recommend